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Let me explain why I have been absent from your bloglandrical lives...

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Let me explain why I have been absent from your bloglandrical lives...

Oh hey there. Remember me? Yes, I still exists. Good stuff.

I do realize I had you worried for a bit that I was lost and gone forever (dreadful sorry...). I feel like I owe you an explanation. There are several, so lets get started.

Firstly (but not as important) I have been busy with school. Coming to the close of the semester and I have had lots of papers due and exams to take and what not. Going out like I started: great! Only about 2 weeks left! Then SUMMER! (but only not really because I am taking extra classes all summer long. Hooyah education...)

Secondly, and far more worthy of a blog post- ly, is what I was doing last week- April 18th-25th.

April 18th I got up, went to school and when about my life as usual. In the afternoon I headed to a certain person's house to babysit some certain kids who I like ever so much. Normal sounding scenario, eh? But when I knock on the front door and it swung open, it wasn't the mother or one of the little girls, who answered the door.  

It was the oldest son.

As in the oldest son who happens to be my boyfriend.  

The boyfriend who is an Airman in the US Air Force, is in tech school  in FL, and isn't supposed to be allowed to come home.

The boyfriend who lied to me for 3 weeks and then showed up and surprised me like I have never been surprised before. (Actually, I have NEVER been surprised before. Honestly.).

By some miracle of God (literally) he managed to get leave and come home for the week leading up to Easter. He also managed to keep it totally hidden from me. Though his family and 2 of our friends knew (buncha lil sneaks...), I was left totally in the dark until he was standing in the doorway. It took me like an eighth of a second to leap at him and sort of tackle him joyously into a wall. Then I was speechless. Then, when I started breathing again and was able to form words, I yelled at him.Typical.  I think normal girls cry and shriek "OMg" fourty six million times? Yeah...not me.  (*by the way, his sister got this is all on video, and hopefully I can load that for you guys later this week). I cannot even tell you how amazing it was. Just....wow. I am so incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful (and conniving :p ) fellow in my life.

Now I know some of you are rather surprised and had no idea I even had a boyfriend. I understand your shock. Anyone who knows me knows that I haven't before, but now, for the first time ever, I do.

When I was 14 years old I decided I wasn't going to be one of those girls who dated and went around testing out guys until, after going through as many dudes as she could and having her heart broken and crushed over and over again, found the one. I wasn't doing that. I was crazy enough to be totally convinced that if God had a plan for my life I didn't need to search for the perfect guy. He would show up. I stuck to that decision all throughout my teens and I am glad I did. Little did I know but there was a guy who, when he got saved in high school, made that same decision to do things differently than what the world said was normal. And I am so glad we did decide that early on. Because, though it wasn't easy being different, it was totally worth it for both of us. What we have now is phenomenal and beyond.

As to how this all came about...I met him at my church about 3 years ago when we were both playing on our youth group's worship team. He played bass, I played keys. We started talking when we realized we both loved to write. We became friends--> good friends-->best friends. He joined the Air Force. There was a loooootttt of praying and seeking God. And back a few months ago he made a phone call to my dad an asked if he could "court" (meaning not dating just for the emotional heck of it) me. That all being said...

Dear everyone...meet my best friend/boyfriend JoJo.

Dear everyone...get a load of US!
We apologize in advance for being so incredibly cute that you just don't even know what to do with us. Sorry.

We had an amazing week together. It was so great to see him again. I hadn't seen him since December, and even then it was only for a few days. We got to do lots of stuff with each other and our families. It was great. It only lasted a week and the following Monday I drove him to the airport and watched him leave. Not so great...

Whatever you've heard about long distance relationships being hard I am here to tell you it is all pretty much true. It is HARD. If you don't have a whole lot of commitment don't even bother trying. And whatever you've heard about long distance military relationships? Yeah, he hasn't yet been gone a year (first left in August 2010 and is in for 4 years at least) and has been within the USA so far, but I can tell you that is hard too. Super hard. But for us it is super worth it. Since I met him we have never done anything by "normal" standards so doing this is really quite fitting for us. We believe that God is in control of our individual lives and at the center of this relationship.We believe that He has a plan.  Maybe we are crazy, abnormal, radical freaks for thinking that, but I am totally okay with that. I know I wouldn't trade this, or him, for anything. Because is it is easy, it ain't worth doing.

*all adorable pictures accredited to my paparazzi extraordinaire mother.
The same awesome mother of mine has been blogging up a storm about the whole week of surprisedness situation. If you are interested in hearing/seeing more about that see here, here, here, and here.

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